
Posted on July 23, 2003 by knittingpatterns4you | 0 Comments

I worked out today for a total of 10 minutes before the pain in my left foot got to be too much. I don't know what's wrong with my foot, and the worst part is that it's the OTHER foot from the problem I've had since the beginning of the year! I need to get myself to a doctor, quick. Luckily my health insurance kicked in again. Yuck. I hate doctors.

Oh, and I was supposed to get keys to my new place yesterday, but when I went over there they had only ripped up carpet and scraped walls -- no painting or floor buffing yet. So I can't move in until tomorrow, which is annoying. But at least the landlord said she'll refund us a few days' worth of rent since it wasn't ready on the 22nd. Hopefully this torrential rain will lift and the paint will dry so I can get set up. The new place has less storage than this place, plus I have a roommate, so my yarn stash will have to be carefully packed away. At the moment it's in Rubbermaid tubs in my car. Yih. I wanna knit!

Oh, and Christiane, email me and we can make room plans for Annie's retreat!

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