Woop! and Boo!

Posted on July 20, 2004 by knittingpatterns4you | 0 Comments

When I get home from work tonight I'm going to install my DSL. YEAH! I bet I don't get in bed until 4am again, will go crazy downloading fonts and stuff. So happy to have high speed back, it's ridiculous!

Boo to the doctor's appt I have tomorrow. I'm getting the nerve test done on my hands and I'm a bit scared. Think of me tomorrow! Please send positive vibes that my nerve damage is not permanent.

Knittingwise, I am almost done with a shawl for my supervisor at work. I also made Glampyre's Boob holder sweater, but I decided to make it longer. The body is done but I still have to finish the sleeves. I may have made the bottom too tight, we'll have to see. I was aiming for a really disproportionate shrunken sweater with big poof sleeves, I'll photograph it when I'm done.

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