Hello from my own computer!

Posted on August 07, 2005 by knittingpatterns4you | 2 Comments

We're home, and I'm somewhere between exhausted and bone-tired.

We ended up driving 5,500 miles in total over the last 3 weeks! I got to swim in Ocracoke beach two days ago, and watch the sunset, and then yesterday we drove the entire way back to NJ. It was great to sleep in my own bed!

Of course, life must get back on track ASAP, as I have to work tomorrow. But I'll be posting trip anecdotes and photos as I can.

In the meantime, back to business: Got the new Vogue, and there are some cool things in there!

First, I LOVE LOVE LOVE this suit:


The tweed is nothing more than seed stitch holding a strand of black and a strand of white together -- brilliant! This is one of those projects that I really can see myself making exactly as they did, which is unbelievably rare. Now, do I need a suit like this? Um, NO. Does that matter? Um, NO.

Now, what should I make it in . . .

Just as exciting was seeing a whole section of SHAWLS in VOGUE! You don't usually see lace shawls in Vogue, I expect them more from IK, but this one from Deborah Newton made me drool (just a little bit, I swear):


The lace patterns are beautiful together, it drapes amazingly well, and it's in cashmere -- what's not to love? I could make this in the Stacy Charles Cashmere 100 we're getting in for Fall . . .

And of course I had to mention Maie Landra's Koigu skirt:


I stared at this picture for about 10 minutes trying to digest it all. Love the colorway, love the patterning, love it all! (of course it's Koigu so that's not so shocking, I'm sure)

This is one of those project's I'll never make, but if someone comes into the store wanting to make it I will bow down to her and tell her she's my new knitting idol. And it'll be so much fun picking out the 19 skeins it calls for! I can definitely see this skirt done in shades of red, or in browns/oranges. Koigu colors combine so well, there are probably a hundred colorways you could do . . . and after a quick glance, I think you could make this knee-length by only working the top three strips of hexagons . . . I can't wait to see this skirt in person!

How will I be able to do that, you ask? Well, Vogue sends us a trunkshow of each issue, with the actual garment that was photographed! You can bet I'll be trying on this skirt when it arrives at String. For all I know it's already there, since I've been away for 3 weeks! Well, I'll let you know tomorrow . . . don't be too surprised if you see pictures of me in it . . .

And as a parting thought: Doesn't this magazine seem to have gotten amazingly better over the last year or so? The styling is absolutely beautiful, the photos and models look much more professional, and the articles are interesting. It's really amazing, I think they're doing a really good job. IK looks great, too, but they now clearly have different styles and are going for a different, specific audience. It's a great time to be a knitter!

Posted in knitting

2 Responses


July 21, 2007

Hi there!
Maie Landra’s Koigu skirt!! I have been looking for that pattern!! I can’t remember where I had seen it and I was wondering if you knew what vogue issue I could find it in. I am deffinetly looking for this challenge. If you have any info, Please email me back. thank you so much.


August 08, 2005

Glad you’re back!

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