As promised

Posted on January 18, 2007 by knittingpatterns4you | 3 Comments

27 balls of Koigu!!

THIS is what I bought yesterday. It's actually most of a kit to make the Koigu Hexagon Coat from the Holiday issue of Vogue, but I'm not going to use it for its intended project. I've actually been thinking about buying this batch of Koigu for a while, because there were some colors in there I've never seen AND some that I haven't seen in years (the yellow I used in my Tramonto shawl is in there, and I've only ever seen it the time I bought it for my shawl, 4 years ago!). The kit came with 36 balls of yarn, 6 in a mostly-solid green that I really didn't like . . . so I made a deal with a coworker, she took the green and I took the rest!

27 new Koigu's to snuggle up with the rest of the stash!

Posted in Koigu

3 Responses


January 21, 2007

Hi, I’ve been reading your blog a lil while now and just wanted to say hi! But this much yarn goodyness is leaving me speechless! Nice score!



January 23, 2007

color me green!


February 12, 2007

Love all that koigu you bought that was part of the kit and being a lover of same yarn I just have to ask what is the number/colorway of that gorgeous bright multicolor skein laying just under that olive green solid…

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