Ugh. I'm swamped.

Posted on May 16, 2008 by knittingpatterns4you | 1 Comment

I know I promised 4 FO's, not 3, but I never managed to get a decent shot of the last one (Katherine Hepburn). And now almost 2 weeks has gone by, we're away at weddings the next 2 weekends, my shower is the weekend after that, I have to send out invitations, get dress fittings, etc, etc, etc . . . I'm not sure I'll ever catch up.

I've been running around to such a degree that I haven't even been knitting much. Seriously. All I've been capable of working on the last 2 weeks is stockinette socks -- and I've only got a sock and a half finished in all that time! Being too busy to knit is definitely new to me . . . and then last night when I was packing for our trip (5 hour flight) I absolutely could not decide on what knitting to bring. It's not like there aren't a dozen projects I could pack, it's just that none of them were calling to me and I couldn't make up my mind. I ended up packing 2 socks' worth of knitting.

And then I came across this shawl in my blog-reading today . . . but of course I didn't bring anything appropriate to knit it with, and I don't have time to go home before my flight tonight. So now I'm considering running to Purl during my lunch to get something . . . which is slightly ridiculous.

Good to know the knitting fanaticism hasn't abated too much.

Posted in knitting

1 Response


May 20, 2008

Hey! I found you! I dropped off the face of the earth a few years back, had twins, have re-started blogging and have been struggling to start knitting again. I figured if I found some of my old buddies it might be more inspirational. I am so impressed with everything you’ve achieved here!

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