Question: What's more annoying than pooling?

Posted on December 08, 2011 by knittingpatterns4you | 4 Comments


Gorgeous, not-inexpensive yarn pooling despite the fact that you're doing a 2-row jog with two skeins.


Posted in Yarn

4 Responses

Ivete Tecedor
Ivete Tecedor

December 08, 2011

Sorry! “Pooling” is when handpainted yarn’s colors stack up in the “pools” you see in my photo. What you really want in handpainted yarn is for the colors to be evenly distributed all over the fabric, so that you get a harmonious look out of the whole project without your eye getting drawn to sections that have more/less of a certain color than other sections.

In my picture you can see that the right edge has no dark blue/green in it at all, and then there’s a sort of vertical pool of the dark blue/green, then another vertical section with none in it again! Not what I want for a pullover =)

Amy (Peppermint Mocha Mama)
Amy (Peppermint Mocha Mama)

December 08, 2011

I actually like the effect of pooling most of the time. It’s never planned and if you pay attention, it’s rather uniform and moves along the work. Don’t look at it as an issue but more of a happy surprise. In design, when you have a thing you don’t care for but can’t do without it for structural or integral reasons, you turn it into a feature and bring attention to it… so bring attention to your pooling – on a cardi you could get buttons that really draw out the color of the pooled area or if it’s a pullover, simply mock it and move on.

Either way, I love how your project looks right now.


December 11, 2011

Ugh. Sometimes pooling is good. But I agree with you on this one. Did you rip?
BTW pretty yarn :)

Mary Choberka
Mary Choberka

December 08, 2011

What is pooling?

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