How to wet block your iPad cover without ruining your iPad

Posted on December 12, 2011 by knittingpatterns4you | 0 Comments

If you're knitting my iKnit pattern from Koigu Magazine 2, you may have reached the (admittedly vague) instructions to "block cover to measurements" and might be asking yourself what the best way to accomplish this is. After all, ideally your blocking should yield a finished sleeve that fits the iPad snugly . . . but who wants to wrap their precious toy in wet wool? No one, that's who!

The solution is pretty simple but I'm not sure I would have come up with it on my own had I not read about it within another context, so I thought it was worth posting about. What is this magical solution, you ask? A ziplock bag!

Just put your baby in there (yes, magic cover and all, if you want to be able to use the iKnit cover over the magic cover the way I do),

Seal her up tight (yes, I reuse ziplock bags, that's why this one looks so beat up!),

Slip the wet cover over the whole thing,

And lay it somewhere to dry.

I like to prop things like this up partially on an angle, so that the bottom and top layers are drying at roughly the same speed. I also usually park the item right in from of a fan to speed things up . . . but of course don't put your precious iPad near a heat source, no matter how impatient you are for your iKnit cover to dry!

My next iKnit pattern post is going to show a step-by-step tutorial for sewing the fabric lining and installing the zipper closure . . . stay tuned!

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