How to get the longest top-down socks possible

Posted on January 29, 2012 by knittingpatterns4you | 0 Comments

So back at Rhinebeck, I bought to skeins of this incredible Transitions yarn from Gypsy Girl Creations and have been working on plain stockinette socks with it over the last few days, as a "palette cleanser" project. I am completely mesmerized by the changing color on this yarn, and wish I knew how the artist created it! So unusual.

Anyway, I want to use every last inch of this glorious yarn in these socks, which is generally best accomplished by knitting socks toe-up. But I prefer to knit them top-down, and have never been known to do things the "accepted" way . . . so I am knitting them top down. I've got a decent-length leg finished right now (it's about 7" long) and was starting to think, "hum, time for some heel flap action, maybe?" when I looked at the remaining yarn in the ball and realized there was way more yarn left than I expected.

So, I whipped out my trusty scale (usually used for baking) and plopped the yarn ball on there. What you see above is the shocking number I discovered: there are 40 grams of yarn still left! Out of a total of 59 grams in the whole skein. Incredible! That's way, way, WAY more than I would have expected, and it means I'm going to get awesome knee-highs out of this wonderful yarn.

Without the scale, I would be guessing. But with the scale? I can guarantee none of this stunning yarn goes to waste.

Posted in Sock knitting

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