T Minus 7 days

Posted on July 10, 2005 by knittingpatterns4you | 2 Comments

I'm leaving on my road trip in exactly one week! There is still so much left to do, but I'm well on track to actually being ready to go on Saturday. We've booked hotels for every night but one, made dinner reservations, reserved the rental car, and mapped routes and times between stops. Today we picked up Adam's new laptop, which will come with us on the trip (so I can update the blog, naturally! well, that and deal with pictures), and bought a FM thingie for the iPod so we can listen to it on the car stereo. Last week I also bought one of those thingies that converts your car's cigarette lighter to an electic outlet. (I clearly like the technical term "thingie").

We're certainly ready when it comes to electronics/entertainment.

I've also been obsessively planning my trip knitting -- I'll be bringing the sunset Koigu shawl, which is currently into its fourth color (Koigu is so addictive, I can't put it down), and today I bought some yarn to swatch for these gloves, available online at Interweave's site:


I bought Dale's Baby Ull in a few colors, and want to fill in other colors with scraps of leftover Koigu (yes, I may be on a kick). These seem like a good travel project because they're small but not boring. I'll be bringing my Trivoli tank, too, as my mindless knitting. I'm sure I'll need several projects, since I plan on only driving at night, and letting Adam drive while there's daylight. And we'll be averaging 6 hours a day of driving, so that's a LOT of knitting time. Although I suppose I should look out the window every so often.

I promise to post pictures and stories as we go cross country, but I'm not sure I'll post much before we leave.

Posted in Coast to Coast

2 Responses


July 11, 2005

ooooo, the mittens are so fun. Good choice! Love them!


July 11, 2005

Make sure you test out your “FM thingy” before you go. We bought one a while ago and it SUCKED. Super low volume, when we could even get it to come in without a heap of static. I have heard the ipod ones are better, but still you might want to give it a trial run to avoid being dissapointed.

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