I *SWEAR* I really do know how to count!

Posted on September 24, 2006 by knittingpatterns4you | 2 Comments



I've found that if something is giving me trouble and making me anxious enough to screw it up several times, it's best to move on to something else and come back to the problem piece later. So yesterday after I had to rip out the entire back (which actually wasn't that much knitting, maybe 2 hours worth), I decided to work on a sleeve instead. No Margaret, I can't just put the knititng down. Ok?

And I just bound off the 2nd sleeve. So I can safely say that, for now, I really do know how to count. I think I learned when I was 4? How old is a kid when they learn to count?

In my defence, I cast on the back while carrying on a heated discussion about TV shows, specifically Grey's Anatomy (which if you're not watching you SHOULD BE!), and I might have been distracted by coffee and cookies. Which, come to think of it, I can also blame on Leslie! Hahha just kidding Leslie! Thanks for the coffee and cookies, really! ;o)

And to answer the comments, the yarn is Prism Cashmere in the newest color that just came in (and therefore isn't online yet), which is called Creme with Denim (that's a real head-scratcher of a color name, no?). It wasn't in the store an hour before I had bought some for myself! But don't worry there's over 20 more skeins still in stock . . .

And Sherry? You didn't miss anything. The dress isn't any more done than before, meaning I've finished the back and have the ribbing done on the front and that's it!

I have no self-control. None.

Posted in knitting

2 Responses


September 25, 2006

Thanks Ivete, can’t wait to see it.
Glad I’m not the only one w/no self control.


September 24, 2006

well, you’re still young! one day that knitting will be put down for a few hours, trust me! :-)

happy you’re happy …

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