One step forward, two steps back.

Posted on July 02, 2009 by knittingpatterns4you | 1 Comment

I was chugging right along on the full-size Luluzinha shawl when I layed it all out to plan the edging and realized something weird had happened:

My diagonals had formed hearts (denoted by the arrows)! In my sketches for how the lines would cross, I totally missed this and I couldn't really see it while the shawl was bunched up on the needles. But as soon as I spread it out and saw it, it was all I could think about! After much angst I resigned myself to ripping back to that section and extending a line down the middle of each "heart" to make them less heart-like. I took the needle out and started ripping . . . and before I knew it I had ripped a THIRD of the shawl out. That is a lot of work people! I was so annoyed that I couldn't even look at it afterwards, so went into the WIP/UFO pile and pulled out something I haven't touched in over a year:

This is most of section 7 of the Babette blanket, and it's perfect mindless relaxation work. I especially like looking up the next color, I never know which one's going to be called for! Although going back to this so much later makes me question my color choices . . . not that I don't like this palette, but maybe I should have gone for more colors? I guess I may just have to make 2 of them . . .

Posted in knitting

1 Response


July 03, 2009

I don’t mind the shawl issue, but I guess it wasn’t quite what you were after!! Your crocheted blanket is SO pretty.

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