When Bored . . .

Posted on September 09, 2003 by knittingpatterns4you | 3 Comments

. . . I tend to think. I found out yesterday that going to FIT costs only $2,000 per semester if you live in state. Since I just moved to NY state I have to wait until next year to be eligible for in-state tuition, but at the same time that means I have an entire year to save $4,000. I can get an associate's in fashion design in just one year since I already have a BS. Of course I want my focus to be knitwear, and at the same time I know I don't really need the design degree to be a designer, but all the same I think I would enjoy the process and the atmosphere. Since I work nights I could go to school during the day and still work full time. The mere thought has me totally excited.

On a more directly-knitting note, I am trying to get my WIPs itemized again. A long time ago I made a laundry list of shame (lol) -- I think I had 22 projects in various stages of non-completion. I've gotten better at not starting a million things and then three more, but I really haven't gotten better at finally finishing those items that are this close to being done. Like the Heath sweater, for example, which just needs a few more rows on the collar and the ends woven in.

Thankfully I did manage to pick up a long-standing UFO, the Heather cardigan in Cascade 220. I have the second sleeve about half finished. I don't think I'll have enough yarn to do the pattern as written, because I only have 2 full skeins left after the skein I'm using on the sleeve, which probably won't make it.

I am thinking of making the cardigan fronts less wide so that they don't meet in the middle -- instead of buttoning or zipping the cardigan closed, it would be tied closed at the waist, leaving the top and bottom open. There is a cardigan like this in one of my AV pattern books and I once saw a designer jacket like that, I think it's a cool idea. And since I need cardigans for work, where it tends to be cold always, I know I'll get some use out of it.

If I can get my camera to download onto the iBook, I'll post pictures tomorrow. Since I'll have tons of time.

Posted in knitting

3 Responses


September 10, 2003

I’ve thought of taking FIT classes, too. Go for it. :)


October 02, 2003

Glad to hear I’m not the only one with too many WIPs
I have at least 30 things in various stages of incompletion right now.

Working full time makes it hard to do it all.

Keep on knitting, they (the WIPs) will all get done eventually.

Good luck with your schooling.


September 09, 2003

FIT — sounds like a great plan to me! go for it!

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