Stitch & Bitch?

Posted on October 29, 2003 by knittingpatterns4you | 1 Comment

I'm missing the company of knitters! Even though I'm technically getting more knitting done than usual, since I can knit at work now, I miss talking to other knitters and seeing their projects. I really do miss working at the yarn store, too, though not enough to ever go back. ;o)


Lisa? Val? Are either of you available to SnB on Thursday night at Starbucks? Or we can pick a different location. I'm off on Thursday nights and I'd love to see how far along you are on your afghan, Val.

Anyone else who may be in the area,
Stitch n Bitch at
Starbucks in Old Tappan, NJ,
on Old Tappan Road

6:30 pm this Thursday, ok?

I'll be there . . .

Posted in knitting

1 Response

Leslie/Nake-id Knits
Leslie/Nake-id Knits

October 29, 2003


Email me. I have something I want to ask you.


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