Design Woes

Posted on April 08, 2004 by knittingpatterns4you | 4 Comments

I'm sitting here at work surfing the blog ring and I come across tons of stuff that I really admire, covet, even sometimes buy. I really have no reason to buy any more projects for at least another year or so (or at least until I move again, which is in only 3 months and much more realistic of a goal), but I just can't help wanting MORE MORE MORE.

The thing is, a lot of the things I want, I will never get.

One example is this pillow:


Found through Yarnhead's blog.

I .love. this pillow. And I want to make it.


I cannot see myself EVER using it. It's along the same lines of the Starmore FI sweaters -- I admire them, I think they're gorgeous, and I'd even have fun knitting it up for 3 months, but I wouldn't wear it.

There is just something about this style of item that seems so "fru fru" or "dated" or idon'tknowwhat. I want to say "tacky" but that's not exactly right either. I asked one of my coworkers who's also into design/knitting/decorating and the only thing we could come up with is "grandmaish" which is still not exactly what we mean.

And it's not like I'm some fashonista only interested in the latest cutting edge stuff. I like vintage-y things, even.

Maybe that's it. Maybe because it's NOT vintage but it's not contemporary it seems. . . whatever it seems.

Does anyone else feel this way? Hah -- or can anyone else be more eloquent in describing my dilema?

I'd really like to get past my bias towards this style of item. Someone help!

Posted in knitting

4 Responses


April 08, 2004

i know exactly what you mean! for me it’s like wearing lacy clothes. or aran sweaters. they’re pretty, and fun to make, but not my style.
or the kind of decor you find in (the late, great) Victoria magazine. very pretty. too fru-fru to actually live with.
that pillow is gorgeous…but it doesn’t go with my decor. at. all.
it would be a fun thing to make as a gift for someone very special who’d actually use it.
: )
actually, if that pillow was done in a colourway that was Moroccan (sp?)it would be smashing.


April 08, 2004

Hi, just browsing through the ring myself… I agree with you, but having lived in the deep South briefly, I like the term “Maw-maw.”

I think Gwen has it, look at the pattern, and think past the colors. I think Maw-maw is a combination of color, design, AND application/yarn type. I am not going to make creamy string lace doilies for the “occasional tables”—but I may use the lace pattern for a sparkly black evening purse.

I think really bright shiny sari colors or, shades of black and gray, or a monochrome color way (all different reds!) would make that a dreamy pillow.


April 08, 2004

It reminds me of an oriental carpet. It has a timeless feel to it. I agree that its missing something. Maybe it’s the colors that its knit in. Think purples, oranges and just a hint of blue. I made one of the pillows designed by Kristin Nichols at Goddess yarns. A blast to knit but that was almost a year ago and I have yet to make it into a pillow. Maybe just having a great appreciation for spectacular work and leaving it at that. I love to browse through museums and I appreciate the incredible talent but most of the stuff I’d never hang in my house.


April 10, 2004

Yup, know what you mean! Just think how far ahead you are by knowing what you like and don’t like, you’ll save hours if not days and months by not doing what you won’t wear/use!

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