Changes are Coming. . .

Posted on May 31, 2004 by knittingpatterns4you | 1 Comment

Keep an eye on this page for some exciting stuff hapening in the next few months!!

First, I got a job teaching classes at the new yarn shop in Nyack! I'll be teaching a "project class" two days a week, Wed night and Sat afternoon. So happy!

Also, the woman who owns the shop imports a line of Mongolian Cashmere and she needs patterns. SO, I've already sold her a hat design and now I'm working on a shawl (I mentioned both of these in my last post). Double happy!

Next, I'm moving, as I've mentioned before, but now I'm getting excited about it! Not gonna talk about it too much b/c I'm superstitious and I think if I talk about it I'll jinx it, but I will repeat: I'm happy about it!

Last, but certainly not least, I've rethought the format for Chiagu, and the new structure will pay the designers a LOT more. I'm still working out the pay/price structure, but I'll post the new info on the Chiagu page when it's done. This makes me SUPER happy. It's very imporant to me that designers get paid well, and I want to help more small designers make "real" money off their creativity. After all, what we do is not easy, nor is it common. We should be paid accordingly! I'm ecstatic to be able to do this, it's a dream come in true in so many ways.

Stay tuned!

Posted in knitting

1 Response


June 22, 2004


I was wondering what your classes were going to be, and when – I’m really close to Nyack, and have been looking to expand my knitting-ness. :)

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