Rhinebeck Ruined.

Posted on October 16, 2005 by knittingpatterns4you | 13 Comments

For the last 2 days I've had a bad stomach ache, and then today I woke up feeling like a truck had run over me. So of course, no Rhinebeck for me. Pout. I feel marginally better now (having slept 13 hours), but I think I had some kind of virus. It was the smart decision not to go -- spending 5 hours in a car and then walking around in windy, possibly cold weather isn't what you should do if you wake up feeling like I did this morning! Too bad, I really wanted to go. Maybe next year.

So as a consolation prize, I'm gonna show you my finished Karabella Cabled Cardi, only I had to cut my face out of the picture because I look like the Walking Dead today (I even put makeup on for this shoot, but still couldn't get a decent picture. Take my word for it, you don't wanna see the top 1/5th of this image!):

I really love this cardigan, it's the perfect fit for a cozy, wear it everywhere sort of thing. I made some changes, as I'm sure you can see: I changed the sleeves completely to give more relaxed, looser sleeves. I also crocheted a button out of the same yarn, because I couldn't find any button I liked and I didn't feel like looking for one in a million different stores. I also made the yoke looser by starting on size 3's instead of size 0's.

The knitting was easy and fun on this project, but the finishing. Ugh! It took 3 tries to sew on that yoke before I got it to lay flat. Initially I did it by eye, folding the yoke in half and pinning that at the center back, then pinning the half-way point from center front to center back onto the center of the sleeve. This worked fine until about half-way between the 1st center sleeve and center back, when I realized that I hadn't done it evenly and so had too much yoke left over. So I ripped it out and did it again.

After one more try, I decided to be mathematical in my approach: I counted the number of sts in the yoke, and the number of sts around the body, and figured out the ratio. Then I sewed through the appropriate number of sts on the body to the number of sts on the yoke. And that worked! I had to fudge a little as I got close to the end, but no one's gonna notice but me (if you can see something in this image, PLEASE DON'T TELL ME!).

All in all this project was a huge success. I think I've finally, finally, FINALLY learned what size I wear in knitted clothing! I made the medium for this, which has a finished bust measurement of 36". My actual bust measurement is 37", and in the past I would have made the largest size, because I was trained to always put in some ease in all my garments. I've read almost every knitting book I could get my hands on, and EVERY ONE OF THEM tells you to put ease in. Well, I've learned the hard way that I do not like loose-fitting garments, unless they're chunky pullovers. In a cardigan like this one, it's supposed to be form-fitting, and it looks good and feels good on me in this size. Hallelujah! I think I've got it!

Project specs:
Pattern: Karabella's Cabled Cardigan, pattern KK183
Yarn: 11 skeins Karabella Aurora 8 in color 43, kit from String
Needles: US size 7 for most of it
Started: September 25, 2005
Finished: October 9, 2005

Posted in Finished Knitting Projects

13 Responses


October 19, 2005

I’m sorry you weren’t able to make it to Rhinebeck and hope that you are feeling better. The sweater, however, looks marvelous. I love the color and the sweater fits you to a “T”. Great job, as usual!


October 19, 2005

I’m sorry you weren’t able to make it to Rhinebeck and hope that you are feeling better. The sweater, however, looks marvelous. I love the color and the sweater fits you to a “T”. Great job, as usual!


October 18, 2005

I love this sweater…I had to stop myself from ordering the pattern and yarn to be honest. Great color and great fit! You did a fantastic job on it…


October 18, 2005

It fits you perfectly! I hope you feel better soon.


October 18, 2005

i went to stitches east one year, ready to buy the yarn for this sweater - i went to the karabella booth (school products?) and asked if i could try on the model. “NO!”. needless to say, i did not buy the yarn, nor make the sweater, and i shared my experience about that booth to every knitter i spoke to.
your rendition makes me reconsider the project though, and i’m happy to see i can purchase it as a kit from someone else! thanks!


October 19, 2005

Love everything about your cardigan! What a great job. . . hope you feel better soon.


October 17, 2005

Sorry you’re not feeling well, but that sweater is gorgeous!


October 17, 2005

I love this! Great color, beautiful pattern, and you’re right, it fits like a glove. I don’t like bulky cables, but this is sleek.


October 17, 2005

I’m so sorry you are sick! The sweater is gorgeous!!!


October 16, 2005

the fit is fabulous and the yoke looks perfect from here! sorry you didn’t get to go to rhinebeck (i missed it too) but at least you have a great new FO to keep you warm in its place!


October 16, 2005

I’m so so sorry that you didn’t get to make it to Rhinebeck – but better that you feel OK and get well!
it’s an absolutely gorgeous garment, and especially on YOU! (and the right color too, I might add)

Lee Ann
Lee Ann

October 16, 2005

That pic proves it: math is a beautiful thing :-) Great job!


October 16, 2005

Beautiful cables, and great color too.

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