I won Best in Show!

Posted on December 24, 2005 by knittingpatterns4you | 5 Comments

So you know how I mentioned that my Tramonto shawl was accepted to the Juried Knitting Exhibition at Kiana Malekzadeh Gallery? Well, I found out last week that I won Best in Show!!! I am so excited and proud, I really had no expectation of winning (and hadn't even considered I might win, I was just happy to get in!) and was totally surprised when I got the email from Kiana letting me know!

Due to the transit strike (THANKfully that's over!), I wasn't able to go see the exhibition before it closed, but Kiana sent us pictures of the space and I'll ask her for permission to share them here. In the meantime you can check out Jane Thornley's site for the pictures she took of the exhibit, you can see my shawl hanging on the wall in the first picture.

I'll post pictures of my new yarn over the weekend (I even bought more yarn today, so I have a LOT to show!). Have a great holiday weekend if you celebrate!

Posted in knitting

5 Responses


December 24, 2005

Congratulations to you!


December 28, 2005

Congratulations! That’s a truly beautiful work of art.


December 24, 2005

Congratulations. It’s just beautiful!


December 24, 2005

Wow, your shawl is stunning. And the blending of the colors of Koigu is excellent. Congratulations on the recognition!



December 24, 2005


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