Knitter Down!

Posted on March 17, 2006 by knittingpatterns4you | 5 Comments


It doesn't look like much in this picture, but I cut my right index finger at work two days ago and now I can't knit! It's at the exact spot where my finger pushes the needle every single stitch, so it's impossible to knit, even slowly. =(

I cut myself on a display basket while trying to fix it, but I didn't think much of it until that night when I got home and couldn't knit (it hurts to type and write, too). Yesterday I showed my boss my finger and told her "I'm getting workman's comp! I can't knit!" It made everyone laugh, but this isn't funny!

(aside: do you know how difficult it is to take a close-up picture of your right hand pointer finger? the lengths I go to for you guys!)

Off to surf the web and read about everyone else's knitting. I can live vicariously through all of you, at least!

Posted in knitting

5 Responses


March 19, 2006

oh noes! I got a similar cut on the same finger from a video card on Thursday, but it only put me out of commission for a day. I hope it heals fast!


March 18, 2006

Ouch! How about several layers of band-aids?


March 18, 2006

Ouch, have you tried a thimble? I think I have seen knitter’s thimbles on some websites.

good luck,


March 18, 2006

Oh no! Can you use a band-aid? Get better little finger!


March 17, 2006

ouch! what about learning a new knitting style?

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