
Posted on March 21, 2006 by knittingpatterns4you | 1 Comment

It's a good thing my finger healed, because I'm up to HERE with production knitting this week! I'm working on the wrap with fur from Luxury Knitting for a commission, and I have a vest design and sample due to a yarn manufacturer next week, so all personal knitting has been put aside as of today until those two projects are done. (I'm not complaining, I chose this field!!)

In addition, I never finished my mom's cardigan in time for Christmas, and she's coming to visit next week so I feel guilty enough to finish it up. And by "finish it up" I mean re-knit the entire thing, she had told me she was the same size as me and I took her word for it. . . let's just say this will teach me not to measure someone! I had the back, one front and one sleeve done, and none of it is right. I took the oportunity to fine-tune the design a bit, so it'll probably be much better this time around anyway, but this is a LOT of extra work! I'm making a moss stitch shawl-collar cardigan for her out of Margrite Bulky in beige (have I mentioned I loathe beige?), and this time around I decided to do the body in one piece to the armhole, so I'm already half-way there on the entire body after only one day of knitting. Hopefully I won't dissapoint her again!

Back to cranking on these projects. . .

Posted in knitting

1 Response


March 22, 2006

Sounds like you’re happily busy with lots of projects. Good thing your finger is healed!

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