New summer resolutions

Posted on June 25, 2006 by knittingpatterns4you | 2 Comments

Ever since college (or maybe before, only I don't remember thinking this consciously), it seems that my "year" really starts in July/August and not in January. Every late summer, I seem to have major life changes:

  • this summer I'm moving to NYC to a new apartment and moving in with Adam
  • Aug '04 I had a new job, a new apartment, and a new boyfriend
  • Aug '03 I had a new job and new apartment
  • Aug '02 I moved back to Jersey after college, into a new apartment, a new job, with no BF for the first time in 3 years.
  • Aug '01 I moved into my first apartment, and lived with a boy for the first time
  • Aug '99 I moved away from home

I guess it's no surprise that to me, this is the time of year for Big Changes and Decision Making.

So I've been thinking, and I'm making some conscious changes to live my life better and closer to who I want to be. This weekend's miserable weather put me in that melancholy, reflective mood, and knowing that this was the first weekend of summer kind of gave me that kick in the butt I needed. Here's a brief list of my New Summer Resolutions:

  1. Buy less. This doesn't mean just yarn, it means everything. I've become too much of a consumer and it grosses me out to see how much I've accumulated, and now purged, from my wardrobe, yarn closet, and bookshelf.
  2. Save more money. This doesn't need explaining, and will of course be easier if I succeed at #1.
  3. Publish more patterns. I have 3 patterns waiting in the wings, they need finishing/instructions/etc. I also have two more than I'm still knitting up. If I step up my game and stop screwing around, I could publish them all in the next few months and move on to new things.
  4. Submit more designs to publications. No explanation needed for this one either.
  5. Go to the gym at least once a week. I've had a gym membership for years but I rarely go. That's just throwing money out the window, and my waist (ahem) is showing it.
  6. Spend a few hours a week sketching/preparing a portfolio. I plan on applying to a design program within the next year or two, and the portfolio I created in HS doesn't cut it anymore, it's completely irrelevant to what I do now.
  7. Update this, and my new Fashion blog, more often. I need to keep better records so I can retrace my steps and thoughts, and blogs are the only way I've been able to do it somewhat consistently (and you see how inconsistent I am, so I'm really admitting to something here!)

I might have a few more in there but those are the ones that are fit for public consumption. I'm only puttting this here to document it for myself (see #7 above), but if you have a helpful comment I'd love to hear it!

A real knitting post tomorrow, I swear. (haha I accidentally typed "sweater" instead of swear) I have two new projects to show you!

Posted in knitting

2 Responses


June 25, 2006

Summer really is your time of year. Nothing wrong with that. We look forward to seeing your new projects and publishing those patterns too.


June 26, 2006

I love empire waistlines, so I am eager to see that project when you finish it.

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