It's much too cold.

Posted on February 06, 2007 by knittingpatterns4you | 2 Comments

This arctic blast thing really sucks. The 10-block walk to the bus was unbearable today, and I had to break it up by ducking into a store half-way through to defrost. And to add insult to injury, my apartment is really cold. The super just came and messed around with the wall unit, hopefully we'll be nice and toasty before bedtime . . .

I'm really happy with how the Yankees sock came out, the swirling of the white blob is exactly what I had hoped would happen. If all goes well, the other sock will look the same or at least similar!

Of course I haven't cast on for the second sock yet. . .

Posted in knitting

2 Responses


February 07, 2007

love the socks and wanted you to know i’m wearing my halfobi I LOVE IT!

Jess Z
Jess Z

February 08, 2007

Sounds like it’s time for a cashmere koigu ski mask! Thanks for the heads up about Glampyre’s blog.

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