What is UP with this crazy weather?

Posted on January 04, 2008 by knittingpatterns4you | 1 Comment

I swear, if it weren't for all the (mostly cashmere) accessory knitting I've done recently, I might have died on Wednesday. Seriously. Only a slight exaggeration. When I left the house on Wednesday morning, the weather was a normal 34 degrees, so I wore my heavy winter coat over a tshirt, my cashmere hat and leather gloves. By the time I left work at 6:30 pm, the temperature had dropped to below 20 degrees and it was all I could do not to visibly shiver all the way home . . . which, when I got there, I added 2 layers and headed right on back out the door to an appointment. By the time we came home, the temperature was hovering around 10 degrees, and I was having trouble walking (my joint problems act up when it's really cold). Thursday morning I awoke to 12 degrees and windy, and reloaded with even more handknits . . .

If you see someone waddling (or frankly, limping) down Amsterdam Ave, wearing a navy blue coat you can barely see because she's also wearing a Koigu shawl, a mismatched multicolored hat, herringbone mittens, AND a cowl? Be nice to her. That's me.

(BTW the weather says we're going up to 60 early next week. WTF is going on??)

Posted in knitting

1 Response


January 04, 2008

Only my handspun chunky cashmere neckwarmer saved me yesterday. Hard to understand the weather swings.

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