BRIGHT Bright Sock!

Posted on April 28, 2008 by knittingpatterns4you | 4 Comments

I am still not feeling 100% but I'm definitely better . . . I actually got tons of stuff done this weekend, including cleaning, finishing a few long-overdue FOs (stay tuned for photos of my Katherine Hepburn and the Koigu ruffle socks!) and starting one new project. BRIGHT socks:

(have to brag: this picture is a perfect representation of this sock!! Shock of all shocks!)

I thought it might be ugly while I was knitting it, but somehow putting it on changed the way it looks! I now LOVE IT, and it makes me smile just looking at this picture. The colors were yelling "Mexico!" to me so I am thinking of these as my Margarita socks (coincidentally my favorite drink, although most Mexicans never drink them), so it make me want to spice them up a bit, hence the stitch pattern on the leg.

This is yet another toe-up sock. I think it might be time to admit that I've been converted. Never say never.

I did more increases before the heel on this sock and that's definitely better, but you can see from this picture there is still a decent amount of stretching out so in the next pair I will do even more increases. I am so happy I decided to try this weird gusset, the idea of being able to make socks this easily is really appealing!! I had stayed away from toe-up short row socks because of the fit at the instep, but now that I've figured out a way around that . . . well, now you know why I can admit to being converted!

After the socks decided to evoke Mexico for me I thought I needed to add a little sizzle to make them more Senorita-like (forgive the lack of squiggle above the N) -- so I gave them a modified feather-and-fan leg, using only 11 stitches in each pattern repeat. I think it works really well with the colors!

Speaking of which, this is new-to-me yarn bought via Etsy. This is Twisted Fibers Arial sock yarn in the Guardian colorway. It feels a lot like Sunshine yarn's Soft base yarn or Yarntini's base, which is to say it doesn't have that crisp, tightly-twisted texture you expect from yarns like Koigu and STR. It also appears to be a tiny bit thinner than other sock yarns, but I was able to knit the foot on my usual 60 sts so it didn't make any difference. I like how it feels on the foot and how it knits up, and will be keeping my eye on the store to grab some more when it becomes available! I already have my eye on that Warlock colorway that's their banner . . .

Posted in feather and fan, knitting, Sock knitting, striped sock yarn

4 Responses


April 29, 2008

Very cute sock indeed. I like the Twisted yarns, or at least the colors, as I’ve never bought any of the yarns.


April 29, 2008

She’s not selling on Etsy any more. Her new on-line shop opens May 1, 10:00 a.m.,


May 03, 2008

The stripes are just perfect!


April 28, 2008

cha cha cha! All you need is a sombrero and and one of those ruffly embroidered tops. The color combo is kinda great, although I would be too scared to buy it. I have such a hard time breaking away from grey and taupe.

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