OMG look at this Koigu Cashmere color!

Posted on August 16, 2009 by knittingpatterns4you | 1 Comment

There are no words!

This fabulously 80's colorway is 107B, dye lot 6, and I cannot wait to knit it up into a new pair of elbow-length armwarmers. I initially planned to knit up the same pattern from The Purl Stitch to replace my previous set, but now I'm planning to design something incorporating slipped stitched to play up the colors in handpainted yarns. While I think the original gauntlets are quite gorgeous, I think the shape of armwarmers is perfect for a little stitchwork to better show off the yarn! And with yarn this gorgeous, showing it off is all I really care about . . .

And speaking of Koigu, my solid colored Cecil socks are progressing nicely. Here's how the first foot looked a few days ago:

I've since finished it and am about half-way done with its mate, just picked up stitches for the gusset and am about to start the foot. I just noticed that this semi-solid Koigu KPM color (color 2171, dye lot 113) looks a lot like stonewashed jeans! Kind of funny to think about knitting with washed out jeans . . .

Design-wise, I am finalizing a submission to IK and hope to have it in the mail by Wednesday this week. I intended to submit to Twist (btw, have you seen the new issue? It's pretty awesome!) but the design I had in mind just didn't work out when I started to swatch it, it got way too complicated way too quickly. It seems to be the case with many of my ideas, either it's a simple, straightforward idea that works right away, or it's a complicated design with too much going on at once. I wish there were more ideas that fell into a happy medium between the extremes!

It's a scorcher of a day today in NYC so we're staying indoors with the A/C on and a puppy between us on the couch. Bodes well for knitting productivity!

Posted in armwarmers, design musings, knitting, knitting design, Koigu, koigu cashmere, koigu KPM, socks

1 Response


August 16, 2009

that yarn is such a fun colourway!! it’ll make great armwarmers, for sure. That sock is looking great, too!

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