Oohhh, this is bad.

Posted on January 29, 2004 by knittingpatterns4you | 4 Comments

Can anyone say, "startitis"? I can!! AND WELL!

I'm now officially in the Tuja-Along, too, that's what the Silk Road Tweed yarn I got yesterday will become.

And then today I'm surfing around and OMG I must must must make this sweater from Glampyre knits. If she doesn't publish the pattern I'm gonna have to knock it off. I love that neckline draping over like that, it's just enough interest to not be boring, but not so much interest that it screams "Winter 01" or whatever season something trendy is from. I hate when what you wear looks so exactly like the season it's from. I have this one-shoulder top that I have only worn twice, which I loved in the Summer of 01 and splurged on, but which now, every time I look at it, makes me think of that summer b/c it's SOOOO dated. And not in the hip this-is-out-of-style-so-much-that-it's-cool-again way. In the, "can't you by a new top?" way.


Came in to work early today cuz the boy came to pick me up. We thought the roads would be horrible today b/c of how bad they were yesterday, but it was fine and I really could have just driven myself. Whatever. I came in @ 12:15 with him, and here I sit at 11, with still an hour left to go. Cuz I couldn't leave early cuz we're short people. GRRR. 12 hour shift today (didn't even punch out for lunch). 10 hour shift monday. Bring on the overtime!

Posted in knitting

4 Responses


January 29, 2004

Glad to have you join us Ivette! So the Rogue is a quick knit? That is the one I want to work on after Tuja. What yarn are you using for that?


January 29, 2004

Hi Ivete! Thanks for the Rogue notes….printing them out and keeping them with the pattern for when I actually start it.


January 29, 2004

Thanks for the Rogue hints. I can’t wait to see your finished sweater, it is a beautiful pattern.


January 29, 2004

hi Ivete! When I read your comment on the one-shouldered top, I thought of that black and white sweater in the last Rebecca mag where it’s in 2 pieces. The big piece is the body of the sweater and one sleeve, and the little piece you wear over it is the other sleeve. If you wanted to try to make your top fun again, maybe you could make the other shoulder and sleeve and wear it on top? Startitis reigns!

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