Chiagu Blog


Posted on April 25, 2002 | 0 Comments

My prof wrote me back and said she'll let me do extra work, two papers, and then I should pass. So I will be gone for the next few days, probably.

ETA: Just got back from the library (where they got new cards that you can put on your keychain!) with a stack of Business Week's to look through for my paper. And for motivation, several older Knitters' and two books on colorwork knitting! I am NOT allowed to look at ANY of that until the paper is written and sent. Then I can look through the mags, then I must study for a few hours, THEN I can look some more at the books/mags. I am rewarding myself later (after I finish some studying and the paper) with some pizza, too. I wish there was good sushi to be had around here. Sigh. . . Central PA . . .

ETA again: Finished and emailed my paper, WOO! Except I just realized I MISSED FRIENDS! And didn't tape it! It was supposed to be a really funny one! GRRR

Looked through the first one of the books, it's called "The Complete Book of Traditional Fair Isle Knitting" and explains the origins of Fair Isle, as well as traditional methods. It has TONS of charts! I think I may make myself a pair of fair isle gloves. . .

Posted in knitting

lots o' links

Posted on April 24, 2002 | 0 Comments

Here's another one for "insane knitting," Miniature Sweater.

And a pattern for a Clanger, which I think is a European cartoon alien. It looks like a mole/anteater or hedgehog (which is especially cool to me because I own a hedgehog!).

OOOH! It just occurred to me that if I knit this in white with brownish eyelash on the back, it WILL be a hedgehog! Matt would love that. Count one more item on the WIM list.

HeHe! A pattern for a monkey!
I finished one block of the afghan and am pretty far into the next block, WOOHOO!

Here is a UK yarn store that shows all the patterns in the current and some recent Rowan magazines! Now I want them even more. Check out: Peachey Ethknits

Here we go, I think I can satisfy my newest craving (for colorwork) by making a rug like troutgirl did!!
On a not-so-good note, it looks like I may not be graduating in 2 weeks after all. Waiting for a reply from my prof. . . my dad's gonna be pissed.

Posted in knitting

commission knitting

Posted on April 21, 2002 | 0 Comments

I've been comissioned by another OG host to make a blanket. He says he doesn't care what pattern or design, but I have only about a month and a half to finish it. When he asked, he said he wanted to pay me and I was like, "I have no idea what to charge you". He suggested $30 and I said fine, I figure that in terms of yarn, $30 will buy something pretty decent and I will be able to make myself something (right now I have in mind one of the Jaeger Cadiz bags that Jane (cucumberpatch) is selling on ebay). He is paying for the yarn and giving me the $30 on top of the price of the yarn. He said he'd spend as much as $50 on the yarn. . . while $30 is NOTHING for the amount of labor I will be doing, in terms of a blanket, $80 is a LOT! I know I wouldn't pay that much for a blanket. . . but then again I can knit. =) I suggested Encore for its easy care and color range, and affordable price. He picked out a nice blue and grey and ORANGE. Don't ask me, I thought it was team colors but when I asked him he said no, he just likes orange and blue. I had Molly order it today and she was shocked that I wanted orange! I told her it was team colors just so I wouldn't have to hear about it.So anyway, have cast on for the first square of the blanket. I've decided to make blocks as big as I can get out of one skein of the Encore using the blue and orange, then put a border on them with the grey and sew them together, alternating the colors. This way, I don't have to worry too much about anything really, and it'll be nice, soothing, mindless knitting. Using 10.5 needles is giving me a great, soft fabric and now I'm thinking I want one of these for myself!

Actually, if I'm going to make yet another afghan, I think it will have to be the cloisters afghan by Anne Grout. Done at 5 sts to the inch on size 5 needles with "jumper weight" Shetland wool, and at a finished "bed size," that is going to be one long-running project. . .

Posted in knitting

handmade needles

Posted on April 21, 2002 | 0 Comments

Look at these handmade knitting needles that this woman is selling on Ebay. This particular one that I linked is for a closed auction, where the needles sold for over $30! I really like this design very much, and now I'm thinking, "I could do this!" If I used straights I'd definitely spring for a pair. Too bad you can't get really artsy circs or dpns. . .

I was thinking it might be possible to jazz up circs and dpns, too, with some paint or something. I am going to see about doing it, if I could find a wholesale source for wooden dpns/circs I'd so customize them for sale! I guess I could make dpns from wooden dowls the way people make straights, too. . . just what I need, another craft. =)

Posted in knitting


Posted on April 20, 2002 | 0 Comments

That pic of me knitting shows the Summer Tweed top! Actually, since I took the pic a few days ago, I've already more than doubled the amount of knitting done on the top. I am already at the shoulders, this thing only has a few more hours left to it and I'll be done! I don't know if it'll be OK to wear or if I'll try it on and think I look too 80's and end up ripping it out to do again. . . we'll see.

I did finish the woolspun hat but it is too big (what is this, the 100th hat I've made that doesn't fit right?).

This morning while eating cereal for breakfast I bit my bottom lip on the inside HARD. It still hurts. =(

Posted in knitting

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